Relay, our youth ministry, is meeting this Wednesday at 7 pm at the church building. We’ll enjoy a time of singing, studying the Bible, and have snacks and games in the gym afterwards. All teens 6th thru 12th grade are invited, as well as their parents.
Post, our post college ministry, will be gathering in the White Oak Room after the meeting for lunch and discussion. If you have any questions about Post or are looking to get involved, please email Zach Varnell at
Exploring Cornerstone Church of Knoxville (Exploring CCK) is a class for anyone interested in pursuing membership at CCK or simply wanting to learn more about the beliefs and practices of our church. It meets for five weeks at 9am on Sunday mornings in the White Oak Room. Breakfast and childcare are provided.
CCK Members, join us Friday, March 30th, for a fun and encouraging evening that will include welcoming new members, encouraging testimonies, hearing from Bill for our Sr. Pastor moment and we have a few fun things in store that you will not want to miss! Dinner is provided at 5pm, and the meeting will begin at 6pm.
Relay, our youth ministry, is meeting Wednesday at 7 pm at the church building. We’ll enjoy a time of singing, studying the Bible, and have snacks and games in the gym afterwards. All teens 6th thru 12th grade are invited, as well as their parents.
Post, our post college ministry, will be gathering in the White Oak Room after the meeting for lunch and discussion. If you have any questions about Post or are looking to get involved, please email Zach Varnell at
Join us for our Spring Picnic following the service. There will be a variety of food trucks parked outside for us to enjoy after the meeting. Tickets are $5 per meal so you can enjoy food at any of the trucks. Plan to stick around after lunch for a kickball tournament as well.